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[Fan Art|Tanaquil Echidna [e-mail]]

File Name Description
Elias.jpg It's a pic of Prince Elias Acorn.
NKABUK~1.jpg Ok, this is a pic of a girl I practaly worship on the internet, her name is Kabuki, and her art work is really to die for, this pic is my version of her new look.
CHI.jpgnewblue1.gif (733 bytes) Here is Chi, this turned out very well concidering it's the very first I've ever done of her ^-^.
ELIASBUST.jpgnewblue1.gif (733 bytes) Here is a bust shot of Elias
FAIRY.jpgnewblue1.gif (733 bytes) Here is a fairy I drew for someone I've know for many years . . she's an old friend of the family...
